Friday, November 29, 2019

Left And Right Brain Essays - Cerebrum, Neuroscience,

Left and Right Brain The article in which I chose to examine is called Right Brain, Left Brain: Fact and Fiction, written by Jerre Levy. In the past fifteen years or so there has been a lot of talk of left brain and right brain people. Levy's reason for righting this article was clearly to stop the misconceptions and show the truth about how our brain hemispheres operate. Levy first explores the myth of the left brain and right brain theory. She states that generally people see the left hemisphere of the brain controlling logic and language and the right, creativity and intuition. In addition people differ in their styles of thought, depending on which half of the brain is dominant. She believes that most of what these notions state is farce. Next the article explores the history of this fascination of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Apparently the study of this aspect of the brain traces back to time of Hippocrates. Levy weaves in and out of the various theories and prominent people known f or contributing to the confusion. It wasn't until 1962 when Roger W. Sperry began experimenting on certain aspects of the brain that contribute to the truth of the left and right brain theory. Sperry studied people who had undergone surgical division of the corpus callosum, the bridge between the two hemispheres. His studies showed that, "an object placed in the right hand (left hemisphere) could be named readily, but one placed in the left hand (nonverbal right hemisphere) could be neither named nor described. Next to branch off of Sperry's studies was psychologist Doreen Kimura. Kimura developed behavioral methods which involved presenting visual stimuli rapidly to either the left or right visual fields. Another important method developed was "dichotic listening" which centered around the use of sound to study the hemispheres. Through these tests and the continual study the theory that the left brain controlled ended. Instead a new theory was born known as the two-brain theory. Th is said that at different times one of the two hemispheres would be operating. An example of this is that the right hemisphere is in control when an artist paints but the left hemisphere was in control when a novelist wrote a book. This theory failed because of one physical studies showed that people with hemispheres surgically disconnected could operate in everyday life. Also, research demonstrated that each hemisphere had its own functional expertise, and that the two halves were complementary. Next, the article states its worth. The author shows the up to date agreed upon theory of the two hemispheres in five simple points. 1. The two hemispheres are so similar that when they are disconnected by split-brain surgery, each can function remarkably well, although quite imperfectly 2. Although they are remarkably similar they are also different. The differences are seen in contrasting contributions. Each hemisphere contributes something to every action a person takes. 3. Logic is not confined to the left hemisphere. Although dominant in the left logic is present in the right hemisphere. 4. There is no evidence that either creativity or intuition is an exclusive property of the right hemisphere. Same theory as #3. 5. Since the two hemispheres do not function independently, and since each hemisphere contributes its special capacities to all cognitive activities, it is quite impossible to educate one hemisphere at a time in a normal brain. Levy comes to the conclusion that people are not purely left or right brained. There is a continuum in which the hemispheres work together in harmony. Often the left or right hemisphere is more active in some people but it is never the sole operator. She concludes, "We have a single brain that generates a single mental self." Compared to what we did in class related to the left and right hemispheres of the brain, both what we learned and the article taught were extremely similar. Our exercise showed that we are not left or right brained but merely somewhere on the scale between left and right brain. Some of us were extreme left, few extreme right and most in the middle leaning left a bit (this is where I fell). I could

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing a Kick-Ass Astronomy Essay Detailed How-to Recommendations

Writing a Kick-Ass Astronomy Essay Detailed How-to Recommendations Astronomy is the branch of science that focuses on celestial objects (like the planets, stars and the moon) physical universe and space. Generally, astronomy is the study of all things outside the earth atmosphere. Writing an astronomy essay is one way of gauging your knowledge on universe formation, development of celestial objects and facts about earth, etc. Writing an effective astronomy essay requires thorough brainstorming and proper planning to ensure that the essay is well structured and the information presented aligns with the astronomy topic. Pre-Writing Tips from Our Experts on How to Start Off After going through the various topics and identifying one that is the most appropriate and interesting, it is now time to think about the organization of the paper and the information to be included. Here are some of the main pre-writing tips worth considering when writing an astronomy essay. Think of the right structure of your astronomy essay. The focus of the paper determines the type of the structure that the essay should follow. Focusing on the astronomy topic determines the type of essay you are writing. Is it an informative, descriptive or persuasive essay? It’s up to you to decide. This will help you in developing a suitable structure for the essay and guide you on where to start. Develop the primary ideas and points to include in the essay. Knowing the prime points and ideas to incorporate in the essay makes writing easy and enjoyable. Brainstorm about what the topic entails and put down the points that you feel you should concentrate on while writing. Make a distinction between weak and strong points to ensure that the essay is not based on ideas that cannot be well-substantiated or proved. Also, keep in mind the structure of the essay. Think of the main argument of the essay. For an essay to be considered effective, it must comprise an argument that it is trying to put across and also provide ample evidence to support the claim. Analyze the major points you have identified and look at the message that they are trying to communicate. Think of the various arguments that you can make and choose the most compelling one. Even more, focus on the claim you are making and try to determine whether it is a claim that has been made by others or it is a new one. Formulate questions about your major claim. Having acquired the right claim, it is now time to draft some questions to assess the validity and accurateness of the argument. Ask yourself whether the claim makes sense and can be supported. Think of how your argument can be challenged and how you can defend it. Notably, avoid making biased arguments or those that have already been proved to be fallacious and invalid through research, unless you have enough evidence that proves otherwise. Research your topic. Conducting preliminary research about the topic is crucial in essay writing. Carry out brief research on the chosen topic to gain an idea about what others have written about the subject. This will help you to understand the arguments that have been made in prior studies, thereby helping you to decide whether you should narrow or broaden your topic. Researching can enable you to acquire new and critical ideas which you can make use of in your essay. Moreover, through research, you can finally determine the validity of your claim and get to know the arguments that have been disputed over the years and those that researchers have rendered to be totally illogical. Outlining. Once you have successfully undertaken all the above steps, you can now proceed with organizing your ideas in a logical and presentable order through an outline. Constructing an outline will help in narrowing down the essay’s most critical ideas and arguments. Topic Selection for the Astronomy Essay Selecting the topic that the essay will center on is the first step in getting started with the writing process. The topic of the astronomy essay should be carefully chosen and should also be clear and of interest to the writer. Also, the topic should be narrow and as straightforward as possible. In order to come up with the right topic, it is crucial to follow several steps as outlined below: Identify interesting topics that are both informative and have great content; From your list, identify three topics that have not been covered a lot in the last few years; From this brief list, identify the most appealing subject. There are numerous astronomy topics that you can focus on, which include but aren’t limited to the following: The Formation of the Solar System. This is an engaging topic that details how the solar system was formed. Choosing a topic on the solar system will allow you to interact with ample research and evidence, thereby gaining more knowledge. The Effect of Asteroids on the Earth. The topic entails the exploration of asteroids impact on the earth. In this astronomy subject, you can focus on the importance of the near-earth asteroids, their effect on earth and the consequences they have on society in the 21st century. Planetary Comparison. This is an essential and central topic in astronomy that fosters critical thinking skills. It requires the students to critically compare the different planets in the solar system. Here you can concentrate on writing an essay that extensively compares the planet’s size and distance as well as the basic features of the planets. The Big Bang Theory. This is a popular scientific theory that describes the first materialization of the world. Writing about the Big Bang Theory can introduce you to the intriguing facts of the model as well as the basic concepts that help with understanding the universe expansion. The Universe and What It Has to Hide. A topic on universe covers all galaxies, stars, particles, planets, and matter. When writing the essay, you can organize it to include an exploration of all the components of the universe while highlighting the key facts and arguments. Formulating a Strong Thesis Statement In order to write a paper that is both succinct and informative, it is crucial to be disciplined throughout the writing process. A thesis statement helps an individual to achieve this goal. Through a thesis statement, the writer is able to establish the main idea of the astronomy essay and then explore it in the body paragraphs. A good thesis statement should be original, specific and reflective of what the astronomy essay is about. It is crucial to organize your ideas in such a manner that each body paragraph has a different theme. One should then connect these paragraphs with transition sentences or phrases as they help to maintain the flow of the astronomy essay. Build up an Appropriate Outline An outline provides the ultimate direction that the essay will take. It presents the key claims and points to be incorporated in the essay. Noteworthy, by providing a good sense of what the essay will entail, an outline helps with making sure that the writing process will be smooth and less complex. Organizing ideas in an outline also ensures that the essay is clear and coherent. Let us look at how to create an outline and some of the things to consider when doing so. Begin with the introduction. While drafting an outline start with the introduction part where you introduce your topic and lay the major argument. The introduction should comprise a few sentences and end with a thesis statement. Body paragraphs. Write down the ideas of each body paragraph. 1st paragraph Topic sentence. The first paragraph should contain a topic sentence that conveys the idea to be discussed or explored. Evidence. Present the evidence that supports your idea, and argue your point. 2nd and 3rd paragraphs Following the same structure of the first paragraph (highlighted above) jot down the claims of the second and third paragraphs. Come up with a topic sentence that tells the reader the point that each paragraph will be addressing. Also, use adequate and credible evidence to support each point made in the paragraphs. End each paragraph with a critical analysis of your topic. Conclusion. In the conclusion section, you sum up all the claims presented in the body paragraphs and restate the thesis statement. In other words, the conclusion should sum up the arguments of the essay. Other things to consider. When writing an outline, always make use of bullet points to highlight the fundamental ideas and claims you will be focusing on in each section. Notably, an outline should be straightforward, well-organized and brief. A good outline should be between one and two pages. Having come up with an outline, the next step is engaging in the actual writing of the essay. This part entails elaborating on the information provided in the outline and presenting it in a way that is more coordinated and concise. An astronomy essay should contain three primary sections in which the selected topic should be adequately addressed. Let us critically focus on the 3 sections. The Introduction This part is the initial opening of the astronomy essay that introduces the reader to the topic. The introduction should clearly communicate the topic under study and present the thesis or the main argument of the essay. In the introduction part you should focus on doing the following: Begin with an attention grabber that will make the reader become interested in reading the whole of your essay. You may start with a quote, term definition or intriguing facts concerning the chosen astronomy topic; Offer brief background information on the topic that informs the reader of the direction you are taking. Ensure that the information is not too broad to avoid confusion; Lay out the thesis statement or the essay’s argument. Once you have introduced the topic, present your claim. The thesis statement should be specific and short, preferably one or two sentences, but it may be longer depending on the essay’s length. The Body The body is the chief part of an astronomy essay which includes the support and evidence of the essay. The body should contain three or more paragraphs that should assist you to prove your argument. It should also be organized in an orderly and logical manner. The leading goal of the body section is to develop a clear analysis and defend your thesis adequately. When writing the body, you should do the following: Include a series of paragraphs which address a central theme that assists in furthering your argument. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the theme. Use evidence to support and expand on the claim introduced in the topic sentence found in every paragraph. Critically analyze and describe the evidence to demonstrate how it strengthens and relates to the particular argument you have presented in the paragraph and to the overall thesis. Moreover, whenever possible and necessary incorporate several examples to support your point. Further, ensure that paragraphs comprise five to seven sentences which are well-written. Make use of transitions to ensure that the ideas presented in the paragraphs are distinct from each other and the essay retains a good flow. Make sure that the essay has a logical order of ideas. When presenting your arguments and evidence pay attention to chronological order, emphatic order and spatial order. This will help you to ensure that your essay employs profound evidence and makes compelling claims. Presenting Arguments about the Thesis When supporting your thesis with the relevant arguments, it is crucial to separate them in different paragraphs. This arrangement makes it easy to follow the flow of the essay’s ideas. One must also embolden the argument by inserting reliable and high-quality examples. In doing so, one is able to appeal to the reader’s sense of logic. Conclusion This is the final section of the essay that wraps all the points and claims made in the essay. Commonly, the conclusion brings together your arguments and restates to the thesis statement. The conclusion, however, surpasses a summary, in that it shows why your thesis has merit. In this section you should do the following: Summarize the argument. Focus on summarizing the major ideas and points made in the essay while showing how they connect to the thesis. Refrain from adding anything new in this part and concentrate on the information that you have already analyzed in the body. Explain the importance of your thesis. Although not mandatory you may choose to briefly expound on why the argument you have made in the essay matters. The explanation can be done in three sentences, and depending on your topic you can end by calling the readers to take a specific action. Post-Writing Tips You Can’t Skip At this juncture, you have successfully completed writing the astronomy essay and what remains is going through your work once more to ensure the paper is free of errors and has a good flow. The following are the activities you should focus on. Proofreading/editing. After completing the writing process, you should take a small break before going through your paper. After relaxing take your essay and go through it, look for typos, errors, incorrect use of tenses, misuse of words and edit the paper accordingly. Referencing. Academic essays necessitate a reference page that lists all the sources utilized in writing the essay. Ensure that you include all the books, articles, newspapers or journals that you have used to compose the essay on the reference page. Also, make sure that you format all the sources according to the specified formatting style. References Chapman, C. R. (2004). The hazard of near-Earth asteroid impacts on earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222(1), 1-15. Coffin, C., Curry, M. J., Goodman, S., Hewings, A., Lillis, T., Swann, J. (2005). Teaching academic writing: A toolkit for higher education. Routledge. Lea, M. R., Street, B. V. (1998). Student writing in higher education: An academic literacies approach. Studies in Higher Education, 23(2), 157-172. Savage, A., Mayer, P. (2006). Effective academic writing: the short essay. Oxford University Press. Unsà ¶ld, A., Baschek, B. (2013). The new cosmos: An introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. Springer Science Business Media.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biological energy production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Biological energy production - Essay Example There are mainly four recurring steps of the entire process of beta oxidation of fatty acid catabolism. However, the activation of fatty acids is quite necessary before that. The fatty acids are able to penetrate the plasma membrane because of the high fat solubility and poor water solubility of the plasma membranes. A fatty acid can react with ATP after it gets in the cytosol, and give a fatty acyl adenylate in addition to inorganic pyrophosphate. It is this reactive acyl adenylate that reacts with free coenzyme A in order to produce fatty acyl-CoA ester and AMP. The first step of fatty acid catabolism or beta oxidation is the oxidation of the fatty acid by the Acyl-CoA- Dehydrogenease. A double bond is formed between the C-2 and C-3. The purpose that the enzyme serves is to catalyze the process of formation. In the second step of fatty acid catabolism the bond between the C-2 and C-3 goes through the process of hydration. This is a stereospecific reaction that forms only the L isomer. The third step of fatty acid breakdown is the oxidation of L-beta-hydroxyacyl CoA by NAD+. In this process the hydroxyl group is converted into a keto group. The last step of catabolism of fatty acid is called Thiolysis. It is the cleavage of beta-ketocyl CoA by the thiol group of a different molecule of CoA. It is between the C-2 and C-3 that the thiol is inserted. (Miles, 2003) Aerobic respiration is one kind of ce... The principal condition for the aerobic respiration to take place and generate ATP is that this biological process necessitates the presence and participation of oxygen. There is more than one part of the cells that are involved in the entire process of ATP being generated and used. One of the major and important phases of the production of ATP is that Pyruvate has to be broken down from glycolysis and has to enter the mitochondrion so that it can get fully oxidized by the Kerbs cycle. Therefore, mitochondrion can be regarded as one of the cell parts that are involved in the production of ATP in aerobic respiration. Though it is believed that mitochondria, that is considered to be the powerhouse of the cell, is the cell part where all ATP is produced. The fact remains that all ATP is not produced in mitochondria, though most of them are. Since the process of oxidative phosphorylation takes place in mitochondria, it is thought that all ATP is produced in mitochondria. Some of the ATP is also produced in the cytoplasm. The production of ATP also takes into account the creation of chemiosmotic potential through the process of the protons being pumped across a membrane. The membrane, therefore, comes to be one of the parts of the cell that are involved in the production of ATP in aerobic respiration. (Porter and Brand, 1995; Kaiser, 2001) Identify the sites within cells where ATP is both produced and used up during anaerobic respiration. So far as anaerobic respiration is concerned, pyruvate is not metabolized without oxygen by cellular respiration. In fact, it goes through a process of fermentation. Apart from the fact that the production of ATP in aerobic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Life in Vietnam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Life in Vietnam - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, U.S gradually began to pull out its forces in 1969 when the war seemed continuous (Oraclethinkquest, n.d). Further, it states that Vietnamese fought France for control over Vietnam during the first stages of war. At this time, French were the colony of Vietnam. Vietnamese won and that is why there was north and South Vietnam. Harry S Truman had a strategy that the united state must aid any state susceptible by communists. The next three president of the US adopted Truman’s policy and they thought that if one of the southeast states surrendered to the communist, they would all fall one after another. In April 1967, Martin Luther King condemned American for taking part in the Vietnam War, the liberals’ war. Vietnam War had already and would go on to intersect with the forceful political and social era movements. However, the New York king sermon which was more striking and clearly developed the customs in which civil rights, issues in Vietnam, class at home, race, and the inadequacy and guarantee of liberalism were structured than other episodes in the 1960s (Buzzanco, 1999). The king was very sure that there was a connection between the US war in Vietnam and the fight against poverty at home and struggle for civil right. Vietnam’s government was displaying insincerity in racial matters, as African-Americans and other minorities in the early years of war were dying in extremely high percentage though only small proportion of the population was accounted for. This was the time when the United states begun sending solders and resources into Southeast Asia. The king wa tched the military commit equality and domestic justice. Vietnam generated the biggest mass remonstration movement in the US history. The war forestalled civil right growth and anti-poverty and radicalized movements related with those issues; uncovered the restrictions of liberal reform; helped bring other movements into existence, like liberation of women or the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Understanding the history of community heaath Essay

Understanding the history of community heaath - Essay Example These projects are created in order to serve people within a specific geographic region (Organizing a community health improvement initiative). Therefore, the definition of community health depends on the type of project involved and its objectives. Some projects focus on physical health, while others focus on behavioral health, environmental perspectives or socio – economic factors. The application of community health projects depends on the nature of its definition. (Organizing a community health improvement initiative). Population oriented healthcare is based on the health of individuals and families who make up that community. It is essential in population oriented health care programmes to recognize the environment of the population at which the program is targeted. This enhances the chances of promoting overall health. Therefore, population oriented health care can be defined as interventions that seek to prevent disease and promote health, in order to enhance the overall health profile of a community (Lundy and Janes). In the early 1960’s people of disadvantaged populations could not access health care facilities. To address the problem, the government implemented the Great Society programs. The cost of healthcare was on the increase. Healthcare for the elderly was disproportionately expensive. Subsequently, Congress implemented the Medicare Program and Medicaid programs, in order to succor the disadvantaged and the poor people. The ambit of these programs was further expanded, so as to include disabled people and people suffering from chronic kidney ailments (Shi and Singh). Subsequently, in the late nineteenth century, cancer screening and immunization services were included in the Medicaid program. In 1997, the government made a budgetary allocation of twenty – four million dollars to implement State Children’s Health Insurance Program. This program

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Difficulties and Challenges in Entrepreneurship

Difficulties and Challenges in Entrepreneurship Evidence suggests that small business stands a significantly higher chance of failure than a large business yet many small businesses survive and some dont. These gaps have been discovered that hinders the success of small firms in entrepreneurship, economies of scale, human capital implementation, limited resources, geographical location, and management skills. We operate in an increasingly global economy, which is highly competitive. Hence the importance of superlative management skill should be devised. It is highly crucial in ensuring that small businesses not only survive but grow in the quality of management, hence lacking key management services could limit the success of small business. The purpose of this literature review is to explain and critically analyse the work that has been reported on problems and challenges faced in entrepreneurship. Having identified these gaps I have established my topic, identifying the problem small business face in entrepreneurship. Identifying the key terms of the literature terminology is crucial as it includes the dependent variable and independent variables. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Why do small businesses encounter so many difficulties at start up point? What are the major problems influencing small firms in entrepreneurship? Is it relevant to acquire entrepreneurship skills before venturing into small business? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To collect a variety of entrepreneurial ideas related to entrepreneurial opportunities via various techniques. To distinguish the importance of planning and give examples of how planning can surmount problems. To analyze obstacles and explain how these obstacles may impede creative thinking and generation of new ideas. INTRODUCTION According to Paula McCoy Pinderhughes, an entrepreneur is a person who visualizes or possesses a burning desire to make a change through hard work, dedication and determination, knowing that it will satisfy their ultimate personal and business objectives. To one businessman, an entrepreneur appears as a threat, an aggressive competitor, whereas to another businessman the same entrepreneur may be an ally, a source of supply, a customer, or someone who creates wealth for others, as well as finds better ways to utilize resources, reduce waste, and produce jobs others are glad to get (Hisrich Peters, 2002). The word entrepreneur is defined as a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. The term is originally a loanword from French and was first defined by the Irish economist Richard Cantillon. (Bill Bolton and John Thompson (2004; 14) A literature search for a suitable meaning of an entrepreneur designates that it is rather easier to explain the worth of an entrepreneur. But it is hard to accurately identify who is an entrepreneur. A number of definitions are indicated in the literature. According to an article by Mona Abdulla (2009) states that typically, entrepreneurship means a business is being created with the express goal of fetching larger through an aggressive growth schedule. Entrepreneurship is a corporate development. This is the major challenge to any new business. Consumers are cautious about trying new goods and services. Most items being purchased today is frequently based on identified brand names and using familiar purchasing patterns. Apparently, it is easier for customers to procure the items or brand that they have used. Considerably, a new business must ensure that its target market are pleased with the brand, proper marketing strategy has to be taken for consumers to embrace a new product. This problem is sensitive to the immense amount of marketing clutter that most organization encounters. Getting rid of clutter is most especially difficult for new firms with limited budgets set aside for marketing and promotion strategy. Traditional methods o f advertising and consumer promotions may not be enough to get recognized. Company leaders must be sure to deliver on promises and provide a high quality experience especially on the customers first purchase, as bad experience often lead to fall in business. THE PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES Entrepreneurs have become one of the most active forces in the market, which is itself driving much of the worlds economic growth. This makes entrepreneurs very important from a macro-economic perspective. As the globalism of business becomes even more extensive, this impact will be felt. Entrepreneurs are already becoming a major force in developing nations and the economy worldwide. The process of redefinition is an essential component of a companys strategic renewal and therefore constitutes an important aspect of entrepreneurship (Guth and Ginsberg, 1990). It is through leadership strategies that the entrepreneur helps to facilitate the reflection of excellence (cornesky et al., 1990: 58-59; peter and Austin, 1985: 5-6) Todays entrepreneurial leader requires new people who does not depend on organizational superiority and subordinate theses contemporary leaders helps to create enhanced capacity in their people, who in turn become the steward of all organizational stakeholders (Mc lagan and Nel, 1995: 46-47) The scope of what entrepreneurship involves will continue to change and evolve, and yet there are some regular issues of how to start, finance and run a business. Companies that go internationally face the foremost challenge of integrating various types of acquaintance so that the organization as a whole can benefit (Zahra et al., 2000a). One ordinary factor for all entrepreneurs is the test of starting a business, searching for an innovative idea, passing the right prospect to venture into a business. Entirely entails organizing all the aspects so that the entrepreneur can maximise his or her goals. Most entrepreneurs also face problems financing their entrepreneurial project, as well hurdles within corporate rules. Except if one single handled the venture, getting money is a challenge that requires prepares funds proposals for loans and many more. We have so much in turn written on this phase of an entrepreneurial that implementing the very best would b e more of an advantage well as challenging. IMPLEMENTATION STAGE All said and done, passing this face ups and challenges, ordinarily one should expect to have smooth glide. Given the business has a good plan; the venture should carry on with less glitches, the execution process seems to be the real craft-or-crack point of an entrepreneurial venture. There are proposition that part of the problem is that ideal people for this process, Perhaps, there are wide varieties of skills needed at this stage, that an individual can not dwell on all of the skills. Alternatively, for entrepreneurs to be successful, identifying the key factors of their field would be very necessary, as they can easily get subcontractors who can fill the missing gaps. Perhaps looking at what different skills that can get a business started would be necessary. Such skills includes, marketing, workers, publicity, sales, communications, public relations, human resource, legal needs, government regulations, crisis management, risk management, natural disaster planning, insurance, te chnology, and the financial aspects of the organization accounts, bookkeeping, paying taxes, managing debt, and so on. One should take into consideration that without a strong technical foundation, the business cant be successful, an above all, the conceptual aspect of organization, are leadership, growth philosophy, ethics, and most importantly the exit strategy of the any organization. These are issues that we tend to overlook, yet it set the whole subject and direction that any business will take. CRITICAL CHALLENGES There are types of businesses that can be started on a small budget; one will need access to capital to fund the business, where the money comes from is less important, but the most important thing, is a need to be realistic about startup costs and being able to manage the funds well. Developing a, realistic, thorough and honest financial plan will help to avoid this mistake. New entrepreneurs often underestimate the length of time it takes for a business to become profitable and the amount of money they will need to invest in the business before its profitable. Employees responsibilities are limited to a narrow job description. According to Gupta and Govindarajan (1991), superior levels of awareness flows have serious implications for a companys control systems. Knowledge that is vital to sustaining and promoting entrepreneurship includes both expertise and market-based knowledge (Gupta and Govindarajan, 1991). However, at the start of a business, the entrepreneur becomes responsibl e for everything from exploration to development process as well as to product delivery to detailed account. This implies that there are field that will be beyond the owners area of expertise. Reckon upon the range of the business, it is possible that the organization does not have the ability to handle different responsibilities due to incompetent staff. It is important to be honest about your own limitations for the success of the company, seek out expert advice in such fields and the support of achiever in entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur does work harder for him/herself most precisely than you would ever work for any one. Building a successful business requires a large investment of your time. It will be important to schedule specific work hours. Setting goals can also help you to stay on track. To overcome these problems. It is important to remember that customers are interested in benefits as opposed to product or service features, and doing all you can do to stay on track would be the most to keep your business. JUSTIFICATION OF LITERATURE CONCLUSION How is an entrepreneur to deal with all this overload of challenges? To meet these challenges, subsidiary executives should also demonstrate higher levels of lenience for indistinctness (Gupta and Govindarajan, 1991). It is nice to know that there are resources one can count on such as, training programs, discussion groups, educational resources, professional associations, and publications to turn to for advice and support at all times.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Soliloquies of Shakespeares Hamlet - The To be or not to be Soliloqu

Hamlet -- the â€Å"To be or not to be† Soliloquy  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In William Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy Hamlet the fourth of the seven soliloquies by the hero is generally considered exceptional and more famous than the others. This essay will examine and analyze this soliloquy, and explore the reasons for its fame.    This famous soliloquy manifests the expression of very deep and conflicting emotions. Ruth Nevo in â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging† explains the basic conflict within the hero’s most famous â€Å"To be or not to be† soliloquy:    Since we know what Hamlet’s obligatory task is, we cannot but register the possibility that the taking of arms and the â€Å"enterprises of great pitch and moment† refer to the killing of Claudius, though the logic of the syntax makes them refer to the self-slaughter which is the subject of the whole disquisition. And conversely, because self-slaughter is the ostensible subject of the whole disquisition, we cannot read the speech simply as a case of conscience in the matter of revenge – Christian revenge and the secular sanctions and motivations of honor. (46)    Is the fourth soliloquy addressing only the prince’s specific situation? Or is it applicable universally to humankind? Lawrence Danson in the essay â€Å"Tragic Alphabet† discusses the most famous of soliloquies as involving an â€Å"eternal dilemma†:      The problem of time’s discrediting effects upon human actions and intentions is what makes Hamlet’s â€Å"To be, or not to be† soliloquy eternal dilemma rather than fulfilled dialectic. Faced with   the uncertainty of any action, an uncertainty that extends even to the afterlife, Hamlet, too, finds the â€Å"wick or snuff† of which Claudius speaks: â€Å"Thus conscience† – by... ...ons: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from The Motives of Eloquence: Literary Rhetoric in the Renaissance. N.p.: Yale University Press, 1976.    Levin, Harry. â€Å"An Explication of the Player’s Speech.† Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from The Question of Hamlet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959.    Nevo, Ruth. â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging.† Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Form in Shakespeare. N.p.: Princeton University Press, 1972.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.            

Monday, November 11, 2019

Professional Action Plan Essay

I am a firm believer that in order to best choose what to do with your life, you must first know who you are in life. Self-awareness can help create a happy, balanced, and fulfilled existence on a personal and professional level. This can equate to success on both sides of the spectrum. HCS/449, Health Care Capstone has helped me understand this statistic more clearly and it will be etched in my psyche for years to come. I will aim to expand on this knowledge of self and how I may effectively convey it to the world around me; specifically the world of health care on a management level. I am a: hard worker, high performer, fast past learner, self-starter, team player, and work well under pressure. I am a motivator by choice and possess keen communication skills. I was lastly employed in the health care industry in 2010, to pursuit a BSHA and will return to the industry as a more valuable asset. My extreme passion is sometimes misread as aggression and I am strategically learning to control my passion to fit my environment. The objective of this essay is to answer: what my professional goals are, what job I plan to have in the health care sector, what skills I currently have for this job, which skills I need to change or alter, my plan for ultimately achieving my professional goals, what professional organizations can help me achieve these goals, and what benefit does the career action plan outline? Professional Goals The health care industry is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries. I am eager to return back to it, for it is one that I love.† Employment of medical and health services managers is expected to grow by 22 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than the average for all occupations.†(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012) At a minimum I seek to obtain a career in health care administration on a management level and ultimately work my way towards executive leadership. My sights are set high because I would like to make a difference in the industry and I feel that I am highly capable of being a good steward in the capacity that I seek to serve. Job Interests There are so many jobs that interest me in the health care industry on a management level. Medical and health services managers also called healthcare executives or healthcare administrators, plan, direct, and coordinate medical and health services. They might manage an entire facility or specialize in managing a specific clinical area or department, or manage a medical practice for a group of physicians. As healthcare changes, medical and health services managers must be able to adapt to changes in laws, regulations, and technology. Upon conducting an assessment of self, I realized that I enjoy making a positive difference in the life of others , being a voice of reason, and an advocate for identified much needed change. That result has led me to the decision of wanting to be a source of knowledge and advocate within the health care industry, taking on a managerial role in any aspect to make a difference. I would like to take on an active role of accountability and assist in bringing about positive change for the consumers and stakeholders alike. Accountability is defined as â€Å"the act of accepting ownership for the results or the lack thereof† (Sullivan & Decker, 2005, p. 144). † Accountability in health care encompasses the procedures and processes by which health care leadership justifies and takes responsibility for its activities such as achieving various organizational goals. Health care providers and officials are constantly striving to improve quality and efficiency in health care by using performance management systems and quality improvement initiatives. Creating and maintaining a culture of accountability in health care is important because accountability is the reason for measuring and improving performance towards the aim of rendering quality, efficient health care.† (O’Hagan & Persaud, 2009) Skills I have a broad range of health care services skills afforded to me by the United States Air Force with a job occupation of 4A071, Health Services Management Craftsman. â€Å"The occupation description from service file for 4A071: Manages health services activities. Plans, develops, manages, and performs health services activities. General Duties and Responsibilities: Performs resource management functions.† (Verification of Military Experience and Training, 2010) I have been trained to perform duties in support of patient services activities to include: admission and disposition procedures, outpatient and inpatient records functions, medical terminology, inpatient unit administration, appointment booking systems, managed care programs, third party liability, medical air evacuation of patients, and information management skills to name a few. In addition I have management and supervisory experience in each capacity. All of my previous skills go hand in hand with the information being afforded to me in the University of Phoenix, BSHA program. Needed Skills Medical and health services managers typically need at least a bachelor’s degree to enter the occupation. Prospective medical and health services managers have a bachelor’s degree in health administration. These programs prepare students for higher level management jobs than programs that graduate students with other degrees. In addition to education other needed qualities consist of: analytical skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving skills, technical skills, and be detail oriented. I truly feel that I possess these much needed skills and excel at them although there is always room for improvement on every level. The only credential I seem to lack is a BSHA in hand. However, I am well on my way to achieving this personal and professional goal that I have chosen and set for myself. My expected time of graduation is May 2013. Ultimate Plan My plan for ultimately achieving my professional goal is to complete the BSHA program at University of Phoenix and be able to meet the minimum education requirements of qualifying to become a health care manager. I will continue on with my education and pursue a MHA to bring about more opportunities and expand my health care knowledge because I feel that it is necessary to advance. I would like to remain current with policies, procedures, and health care laws to bring my best into any organization that affords me the opportunity to be a part of their establishment. I will also seek out professional organizations that can help me achieve my professional goals by way of networking and mentorship. Partnerships are vital in succeeding in the health care industry and I understand that now. I am now curious about joining the American Council for Health Care Executives (ACHE). I think this organization could definitely help me in achieving my professional goals. I think I would also be a valuable asset to their professional organization as well. Action Plan Outline Initially, I was perturbed by the idea of having to complete a career action plan outline, but in all honest it helped. It served as a writing guide and helped shape what I wanted to say. It also served as some sort of SWOT analysis. It highlighted my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to selecting a career that I identified as seeming right for me. Conclusion This assignment was highly effective. My career goals have been set and my career action plan is complete. I know what I have done, what I can do, what I want to do, and what I need to do. I have been equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge of making my dreams a reality. I have some immediate goals, and some long term goals. They are all a work in progress but well within reach. Achievement starts with me. References Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Medical and Health Services Managers, on the Internet at (visited August 13, 2013). DD Form 2586 (2010) Verification of Military Experience and Training O’Hagan J. & Persaud D. (2009) Creating a Culture of Accountability in Health Care Retrieved from Sullivan, E. & Decker, P. (2005). Effective leadership and management in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Spanish Conquistadors

The Spanish Conquistadors From the moment of Christopher Columbus discovery of lands previously unknown to Europe in 1492, the New World captured the imagination of European adventurers. Thousands of men came to the New World to seek fortune, glory, and land. For two centuries, these men explored the New World, conquering any native people they came across in the name of the King of Spain (and the hope of gold). They came to be known as the conquistadors. Who were these men? Definition of Conquistador The word conquistador comes from Spanish and means he who conquers. The conquistadors were those men who took up arms to conquer, subjugate, and convert native populations in the New World. Who Were the Conquistadors? Conquistadors came from all over Europe. Some were German, Greek, Flemish, and so on, but most of them came from Spain, particularly southern and southwestern Spain. The conquistadors typically came from families ranging from the poor to the lower nobility. The very high-born rarely needed to set off in search of adventure. Conquistadors had to have some money to purchase the tools of their trade, such as weapons, armor, and horses. Many of them were veteran professional soldiers who had fought for Spain in other wars, like the reconquest of the Moors (1482-1492) or the Italian Wars (1494-1559). Pedro de Alvarado was a typical example. He was from the province of Extremadura in southwestern Spain and was the younger son of a minor noble family. He could not expect any inheritance, but his family had enough money to purchase good weapons and armor for him. He came to the New World in 1510 specifically to seek his fortune as a conquistador. Armies Although most of the conquistadors were professional soldiers, they werent necessarily well-organized. They were not a standing army in the sense that we think of it. In the New World, at least, they were more like mercenaries. They were free to join any expedition they wanted to and could theoretically leave at any time, although they tended to see things through. They were organized by units. Footmen, harquebusiers, cavalry, and so on served under trusted captains who were responsible to the expedition leader. Conquistador Expeditions Expeditions, such as Pizarros Inca campaign or the countless searches for the city of El Dorado, were expensive and privately financed (although the King still expected his 20 percent cut of any valuables discovered). Sometimes the conquistadors themselves chipped in funds for an expedition in the hopes that it would discover great wealth. Investors were also involved: wealthy men who would provision and equip an expedition expecting a share of the spoils if it discovered and looted a rich native kingdom. There was some bureaucracy involved, as well. A group of conquistadors could not just pick up their swords and head off into the jungle. They had to secure official written and signed permission from certain colonial officials first. Weapons and Armor Armor and weapons were crucially important for a conquistador. Footmen had heavy armor and swords made of fine Toledo steel if they could afford them. Crossbowmen had their crossbows, tricky weapons which they had to keep in good working order. The most common firearm at the time was the harquebus, a heavy, slow-to-load rifle. Most expeditions had at least a few harquebusiers along. In Mexico, most conquistadors eventually abandoned their heavy armor in favor of the lighter, padded protection the Mexicans used. Horsemen used lances and swords. Larger campaigns might have some artillerymen and cannons along, as well as shot and powder. Loot and the Encomienda System Some conquistadors claimed that they were attacking the New World natives to spread Christianity and save the natives from damnation. Many of the conquistadors were, indeed, religious men. However, the conquistadors were far more interested in gold and loot. The Aztecs and Inca Empires were rich in gold, silver, precious stones, and other things the Spanish found less valuable, like brilliant clothes made of bird feathers. Conquistadors who participated in any successful campaign were given shares based on many factors. The king and the expedition leader (like Hernan Cortes) each received 20 percent of all loot. After that, it was divided up among the men. Officers and horsemen got a larger cut than foot soldiers, as did crossbowmen, harquebusiers, and artillerymen. After the King, officers, and other soldiers had all gotten their cut, there was often not much left for the common soldiers. One prize which could be used to buy off conquistadors was the gift of an encomienda. An encomienda was land given to a conquistador, usually with natives already living there. The word encomienda comes from a Spanish verb meaning to entrust. In theory, the conquistador or colonial official receiving an encomienda had the duty of providing protection and religious instruction to the natives on his land. In return, the natives would work in mines, produce food or trade goods, and so on. In practice, it was little more than slavery. Abuses The historical record abounds in examples of conquistadors murdering and tormenting native populations, and these horrors are far too numerous to list here. Defender of the Indies Fray Bartolomà © de las Casas listed many of them in his Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies. The native populations of many Caribbean islands, such as Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico, were essentially wiped out by a combination of conquistador abuses and European diseases. During the conquest of Mexico, Cortes ordered a massacre of Cholulan noblemen. Only months later, Cortes lieutenant Pedro De Alvarado would do the same thing in Tenochtitlan. There are countless accounts of Spaniards torturing and murdering natives to obtain the location of the gold. One common technique was to burn the soles of someones feet to get them to talk. One example was Emperor Cuauhtà ©moc of the Mexica, whose feet were burned by the Spanish to make him tell them where they could find more gold. Famous Conquistadors Famous conquistadors who have been remembered in history include Francisco Pizarro, Juan Pizarro, Hernando Pizarro, Diego de Almagro, Diego Velazquez de Cuellar, Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Juan Ponce de Leon, Panfilo de Narvaez, Lope de Aguirre, and Francisco de Orellana. Legacy At the time of the conquest, Spanish soldiers were among the finest in the world. Spanish veterans from dozens of Europeans battlefields flocked to the New World, bringing their weapons, experience, and tactics with them. Their deadly combination of greed, religious zeal, ruthlessness, and superior weaponry proved too much for native armies to handle, especially when combined with lethal European diseases, such as smallpox, which decimated native ranks. Conquistadors left their marks culturally as well. They destroyed temples, melted down golden works of art, and burned native books and codices. Defeated natives were usually enslaved via the encomienda system, which persisted long enough to leave a cultural imprint on Mexico and Peru. The gold the conquistadors sent back to Spain began a Golden Age of imperial expansion, art, architecture, and culture. Sources Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. The Conquest of New Spain. Penguin Classics, John M. Cohen (Translator), Paperback, Penguin Books, August 30, 1963. Hassig, Ross. Aztec Warfare: Imperial Expansion and Political Control. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, First Edition Edition, University of Oklahoma Press, September 15, 1995. Las Casas, Bartolomà © de. The Devastation of the Indies: A Brief Account. Herma Briffault (Translator), Bill Donovan (Introduction), 1st Edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, February 1, 1992. Levy, Buddy. Conquistador: Hernan Cortes, King Montezuma, and the Last Stand of the Aztecs. Paperback, 6/28/09 edition, Bantam, July 28, 2009. Thomas, Hugh. Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico. Paperback, Reprint edition, Simon Schuster, April 7, 1995.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Official ACT to SAT (New 1600 and Old 2400) Conversion Charts

Official ACT to SAT (New 1600 and Old 2400) Conversion Charts SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the first thoughts you might have after getting back your ACT or SAT score is how well you would have done on the other test. Luckily, SAT to ACT conversion (and ACT to SAT conversion) is possible! In this post, we provide conversion charts from the test makers themselves to help you with score conversions between both the current and old versions of the SAT and the ACT. We also look at whether certain colleges go easier on the SAT or ACT- and what you can do about it. ACT to SAT Conversion Tool We took the College Board's official concordance tables and made a tool for you to automatically convert your ACT scores into SAT scores. We've even included both current 1600 and old 2400 SAT conversions. Look at the latter if you took the ACT before 2016 and are curious about how your ACT score would have translated into an SAT score when originally you took the ACT. Just enter your ACT score on the left to get your SAT scores on the right: Enter your ACT score here: ACT Composite (out of 36) Get SAT scores here: SAT Composite (out of 1600) Old SAT Composite (out of 2400) // 36) { $(this).val(36); } var act = parseInt($("#in_act").val()); var old_sat; var new_sat; if (!isNaN(act)) { switch (act){ case 36: new_sat = 1600; old_sat = 2390; break; case 35: new_sat = "1560 to 1590"; old_sat = "2300 to 2370"; break; case 34: new_sat = "1520 to 1550"; old_sat = "2210 to 2280"; break; case 33: new_sat = "1490 to 1510"; old_sat = "2150 to 2190"; break; case 32: new_sat = "1450 to 1480"; old_sat = "2080 to 2130"; break; case 31: new_sat = "1420 to 1440"; old_sat = "2020 to 2060"; break; case 30: new_sat = "1400 to 1410"; old_sat = "1970 to 2000"; break; case 29: new_sat = "1350 to 1380"; old_sat = "1900 to 1950"; break; case 28: new_sat = "1310 to 1340"; old_sat = "1840 to 1880"; break; case 27: new_sat = "1280 to 1300"; old_sat = "1790 to 1820"; break; case 26: new_sat = "1240 to 1270"; old_sat = "1730 to 1780"; break; case 25: new_sat = "1200 to 1230"; old_sat = "1670 to 1710"; break; case 24: new_sat = "1160 to 1190"; old_sat = "1610 to 1650"; break; case 23: new_sat = "1130 to 1150"; old_sat = "1560 to 1590"; break; case 22: new_sat = "1100 to 1120"; old_sat = "1510 to 1540"; break; case 21: new_sat = "1060 to 1090"; old_sat = "1450 to 1490"; break; case 20: new_sat = "1020 to 1050"; old_sat = "1390 to 1430"; break; case 19: new_sat = "980 to 1010"; old_sat = "1330 to 1370"; break; case 18: new_sat = "940 to 970"; old_sat = "1270 to 1310"; break; case 17: new_sat = "900 to 930"; old_sat = "1210 to 1250"; break; case 16: new_sat = "860 to 890"; old_sat = "1150 to 1200"; break; case 15: new_sat = "810 to 850"; old_sat = "1070 to 1140"; break; case 14: new_sat = "760 to 800"; old_sat = "990 to 1060"; break; case 13: new_sat = "720 to 750"; old_sat = "930 to 980"; break; case 12: new_sat = "630 to 710"; old_sat = "820 to 910"; break; case 11: new_sat = "560 to 620"; old_sat = "750 to 810"; break; default: new_sat = "Too low for data"; old_sat = "Too low for data" } $("#out_new_sat").val(new_sat); $("#out_old_sat").val(old_sat); } else { $("#out_old_total").val(''); $("#out_new_total").val(''); } }); }); // ]]> You'll probably want to see how your ACT and SAT subscores compare, too. For that, simply read our guide to converting subscores. Also, if you're converting to see which test you should take, we recommend checking out our guide to see whether you're a good candidate for taking both the ACT and SAT. SAT to ACT Conversion Tool Want to go in the other direction? Here are two tools to go from current 1600 SAT to ACT, or from old 2400 SAT to ACT. Note that the vast majority of high school students these days will have taken the 1600 SAT, but if you took the SAT before 2016 and are curious about how your scores would have converted to an ACT score (perhaps you're applying for an educational job or are casually comparing scores with friends), our conversion tool can lend you a hand. SAT to ACT Conversion Enter your SAT score here: SAT (out of 1600) Get your ACT score here: ACT Composite (out of 36) // 1600) { $(this).val(1600); } var new_sat = parseInt($("#in_newsat").val()); var act; if (!isNaN(new_sat)) { if (new_sat > 1590) {act = 36;} else if (new_sat > 1550 } else if (new_sat > 1520 } else if (new_sat > 1490 } else if (new_sat > 1450 } else if (new_sat > 1420 } else if (new_sat > 1390 } else if (new_sat > 1350 } else if (new_sat > 1310 } else if (new_sat > 1280 } else if (new_sat > 1240 } else if (new_sat > 1200 } else if (new_sat > 1160 } else if (new_sat > 1130 } else if (new_sat > 1100 } else if (new_sat > 1060 } else if (new_sat > 1020 } else if (new_sat > 980 } else if (new_sat > 940 } else if (new_sat > 900 } else if (new_sat > 860 } else if (new_sat > 810 } else if (new_sat > 760 } else if (new_sat > 720 } else if (new_sat > 630 } else if (new_sat > 560 } else { act = "Too low"; } $("#out_act").val(act); } else { $("#out_act").val(''); } }); }); // ]]> Old 2400 SAT to ACT Conversion Enter your Old SAT score here: Old SAT Composite (out of 2400) Get your ACT score here: ACT Composite (out of 36) // 2400) { $(this).val(2400); } var old_sat = parseInt($("#in_oldsat").val()); var act; if (!isNaN(old_sat)) { if (old_sat >= 2390) {act = 36;} else if (old_sat >= 2300 } else if (old_sat >= 2210 } else if (old_sat >= 2150 } else if (old_sat >= 2080 } else if (old_sat >= 2020 } else if (old_sat >= 1970 } else if (old_sat >= 1900 } else if (old_sat >= 1840 } else if (old_sat >= 1790 } else if (old_sat >= 1730 } else if (old_sat >= 1670 } else if (old_sat >= 1610 } else if (old_sat >= 1560 } else if (old_sat >= 1510 } else if (old_sat >= 1450 } else if (old_sat >= 1390 } else if (old_sat >= 1330 } else if (old_sat >= 1270 } else if (old_sat >= 1210 } else if (old_sat >= 1150 } else if (old_sat >= 1070 } else if (old_sat >= 990 } else if (old_sat >= 930 } else if (old_sat >= 820 } else if (old_sat >= 750 } else { act = "Too low"; } $("#out_act2").val(act); } else { $("#out_act2").val(''); } }); }); // ]]> Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Why Convert Between the SAT and ACT? ACT to SAT conversion can be extremely helpful for figuring out which test you're better at. It’s smartest to focus your efforts on just the SAT or ACT to maximize your score, rather than trying to score well on both tests. But if you take just one test, it’s useful to know how your score translates so you can better understand your performance as well as your chances of admission at various colleges. For example, by taking a practice test for both the SAT and ACT, you can figure out which test you're naturally better at. If you score dramatically higher on one test vs the other (say, the equivalent of 2 ACT points), you'll know to study for and take that test instead. If you're applying to college in the United States, you'll most likely need to take either the SAT or ACT. How can you decide which test to take? By using our SAT/ACT Decider Tool, of course! Learn which test you'll do best on and get a suggested testing schedule today. As we explore below, ACT-SAT conversion doesn't always line up exactly at schools. Understanding what converting is and why it is not always even at certain schools can help you maximize your admission chances. Finally, be aware that converting composite scores won't give you the most accurate data. As a result, always convert your section scores, too. SAT-ACT Conversion Tables The most accurate SAT-ACT concordance tables come directly from the makers of the SAT and ACT (the College Board and ACT, Inc., respectively). These are the only official conversion charts you can use to translate your ACT score into an SAT score (and vice versa). Table 1: SAT-ACT Conversion Table SAT ACT SAT ACT SAT ACT 1600 36 1250 26 900 16 1590 36 1240 26 890 16 1580 36 1230 26 880 16 1570 36 1220 25 870 15 1560 35 1210 25 860 15 1550 35 1200 25 850 15 1540 35 1190 24 840 15 1530 35 1180 24 830 15 1520 34 1170 24 820 14 1510 34 1160 24 810 14 1500 34 1150 23 800 14 1490 34 1140 23 790 14 1480 33 1130 23 780 14 1470 33 1120 22 770 13 1460 33 1110 22 760 13 1450 33 1100 22 750 13 1440 32 1090 21 740 13 1430 32 1080 21 730 13 1420 32 1070 21 720 12 1410 31 1060 21 710 12 1400 31 1050 20 700 12 1390 31 1040 20 690 12 1380 30 1030 20 680 11 1370 30 1020 19 670 11 1360 30 1010 19 660 11 1350 29 1000 19 650 11 1340 29 990 19 640 10 1330 29 980 18 630 10 1320 28 970 18 620 10 1310 28 960 18 610 9 1300 28 950 17 600 9 1290 27 940 17 590 9 1280 27 930 17 1270 27 920 17 1260 27 910 16 Source: The College Board Note that this conversion chart comes from the College Board only. ACT, Inc., has commented that this table has not yet been verified by them, and that the two organizations must collaborate to create a more accurate conversion table. In my opinion, this table is likely to be pretty close in accuracy, so it's OK to use it for planning purposes for now. Table 2: Old SAT-ACT Conversion Table For those of you who want to compare an ACT score with an old SAT score out of 2400, use the table below. Because the current version of the SAT has been in effect since 2016, most readers will want to use the conversion table above. In other words, only use the following table if you took the ACT or SAT before 2016 and want to know how your scores would have translated at the time you took the test. All estimates below are calculated using the above table and this SAT composite score conversion chart. ACT Composite Score Estimated SAT Composite Estimated SAT Composite Range 36 2390 2310-2390 35 2300 2220-2300 34 2210 2140-2210 33 2130 2070-2130 32 2060 2010-2060 31 2000 1960-2000 30 1950 1910-1950 29 1900 1860-1900 28 1850 1820-1850 27 1810 1730-1810 26 1720 1710-1720 25 1700 1660-1700 24 1650 1600-1650 23 1590 1550-1590 22 1540 1500-1540 21 1490 1440-1490 20 1430 1400-1430 19 1390 1340-1390 18 1330 1290-1330 17 1280 1230-1280 16 1220 1180-1220 15 1170 1100-1170 14 1090 1020-1090 13 1010 940-1010 12 930 880-930 11 870 840-870 10 830 810-830 9 800 780-800 Which is easier, the ACT or the SAT? Find out with our detailed, comprehensive guide to figuring out which test is better for you. Is There an â€Å"Easier† Test at Certain Schools? Now that we've learned about the SAT-ACT conversion tables made by the test makers themselves, you might think that if you look at admission statistics for various colleges, their SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges will match the official SAT-ACT conversions. Before we jump into this idea, though, what is the "middle 50 percent"? For a school, this phrase refers to the SAT/ACT score ranges for the middle 50 percent (or 25th to 75th percentile scores) of admitted students. For example, if a school has an ACT middle 50 percent range of 24 to 28, this means that 25% of admits had 24 or lower, 50% had between 24 and 28, and 25% had 28 or higher on the ACT. Schools report this data since it's a clear way to present the average test score ranges of admitted students. Reporting the full range of scores would be much less helpful as schools might have an admit or two with an extremely low test score, or a few admits with perfect scores. In other words, telling potential applicants that admitted students usually get ACT scores between 16 and 36 is not particularly helpful! So do these ranges for the ACT and SAT match up according to the conversions above? The truth is, at many colleges, the SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges don’t match up exactly. Thus, for some schools, you'd have to do slightly better on one test to be a competitive applicant. We'll go over a few example below. You can use this information as a guide when looking up the schools you're applying to. Notice as we go through these examples just how small the differences tend to be. We are not showing that you can game the system by taking the â€Å"easier† test for a certain school. As you'll see, the differences are quite small in most cases, but they can help you aim for the most competitive target score possible. NYU We'll start with a prominent East Coast school. NYU's middle 50 percent ranges are as follows: ACT: 29-33 SAT: 1290-1490 Using Table 1 to compare the scores, we see that ACT composite scores of 29-33 match up to SAT composite scores of 1350-1480. NYU’s actual SAT range is slightly lower than that, which means you'd need a comparatively higher ACT score to be within NYU’s 50 percent range. Princeton For a highly competitive East Coast example, let’s look at Princeton. This school has the following SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges: ACT: 31-35 SAT: 1430-1570 According to Table 1, these SAT scores match with an ACT score range of 32-36, which is very close to Princeton's actual ACT score range. At Princeton, then, there is not a slight ACT score advantage like there is at NYU. Penn State Here are Penn State’s middle 50 percent ranges: ACT: 28-32 SAT: 1250-1430 Table 1 shows that these ACT scores convert to an SAT range of 1300-1440. In this case, you'd need to score slightly lower on the ACT than you would on the SAT to be in Penn State's middle 50 percent. University of Washington Now for a West Coast example. Here are the the University of Washington’s score ranges: ACT: 27-32 SAT: 1190-1420 According to Table 1, UW's SAT range would match up with 24-32 ACT composite. However, its actual ACT range is slightly higher at 27-32. This means you could get a comparatively lower SAT score of 1190 and be within range at UW. But if you had the matching ACT score of 24, you'd be a little less competitive. University of Southern California Another West Coast example is USC. Here are USC's middle 50 percent ranges for the SAT and ACT: ACT: 30-34 SAT: 1300-1500 By converting these ACT scores into SAT scores using Table 1, we get an SAT score range of 1360-1520. As we suspected, this suggests that your ACT score needs to be a little higher than your SAT score does to be competitive at USC. How To Maximize Your Converted ACT/SAT Score So what can we take from all of this? There are definitely some slight but noticeable differences in certain colleges’ SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges compared with the expected conversions. However, there are plenty of exceptions as well. Here's the thing: even in schools that seem to go slightly easier on one test, the differences are nominal. This means that it doesn't make sense to base your testing strategy entirely on whether a school appears to go easier on ACT or SAT scores. Instead, it’s much smarter to focus on the test you can do better on to maximize your score. In our test cases above, ACT and SAT ranges did not deviate from expected values by more than 20 -60 SAT points or 1-2 ACT composite points. These are minor score differences you can easily overcome with smart studying, especially if you're taking the test better suited to your strengths. For example, say you're a better SAT taker, but you notice that some Ivy League schools go a bit easier on ACT scores. If you took the ACT and got a 30 when you were capable of scoring between 1450 and 1550 on the SAT, you'd decrease your chance of getting in. In the end, there is no substitute for smart studying. But it's still useful to look up the middle 50 percent test score ranges for your target schools. You can even use the conversion charts like we did to see if the school favors one test. Then, use this info to form your own target score. For example, if you’re applying to a school that goes a bit easier on the ACT, aim for an ACT score in the upper end of their middle 50 range to ensure that, even with ACT-SAT conversion, you are still well within their typical ranges. Remember, the bottom line in college admissions is to play up your strengths. Maximizing your ACT or SAT score is by far the best advantage you can give yourself on the standardized testing front! Nearly every college and university in the United States accepts both SAT and ACT scores. However, for some of these schools, there is a significant difference between the level of SAT scores and the level of ACT scores of admitted students. What schools accept students with comparatively lower SAT scores, and what schools accept students with comparatively lower ACT scores? We've gathered our proprietary research on this topic and analysis of what these score differences mean for your testing and application strategies into this ebook. What’s Next? Sure, we’ve argued that colleges don’t give a huge advantage to either the SAT or ACT, but is one test easier than the other? Find out whether the SAT or ACT is easier. Also, check out the 11 key differences between the two tests to help you decide which one to take. If you already know which test you're taking, use our SAT or ACT goal score guide to develop a target score based on the schools you're applying to. Curious about what it takes to get a perfect SAT or ACT score? Read our perfect SAT and ACT guides, written by our resident full scorer! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points, or your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve both your SAT and ACT scores dramatically.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Consumer' Income Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer' Income - Coursework Example When the price of the orange is $30, consumers are willing and able to buy 30,000 oranges. As the price of the orange decrease to $10 the quantity demanded increases to 60,000 oranges which are due to the fact that more consumers will be willing to buy that orange. For a linear curve decrease in price is directly proportional to increase in quantity demanded. 7. List the determinants of demand. (6 total)   The determinants of demand curve are as follows: a) The consumer’s income b) The price of related goods c) Advertisement d) Consumer price expectation e) Number of consumers in the market f) Taste and preference of consumers 8. Next to each determinant in your list give a real world example of it.   Along a demand curve the factors, other than price of the good, are held constant. When these factors change the demand curve shifts either outwards or inwards which means that either more or less is demanded at a certain price. An explanation of these factors is given below: 1- The consumer’s income: the effect that income has on the amount of a product that consumers are willing and able to buy depends on the type of good. For most goods, there is positive (direct) relationship between a consumer’s income and the amount of the good that one is willing to buy (Campbell R. McConnell, 2007). The demand for a product will shift outward when the consumer’s income rises. We call these types of goods as normal goods. For example, the demand for branded clothes increases with the income level. However; for some goods the relationship is opposite between income and your demand for a product. These goods are called inferior goods. There demand decreases as income increases. For example, income level increase will cut the demand for second hand cars. 2- The price of related goods: A common example could be of bagels and cream cheese. We call these types of goods complements. If the price of a bagel goes up, the law of demand tells us that on e will buy fewer bagels. Moreover, as use of cream cheese is complimentary to bagels, the demand for cream cheese will also fall. When two goods are complementary, there is an inverse relationship between the price of one good and the demand for the other good. On the other hand, some goods are considered to be substitutes for one another. This means that they can be used as an alternate to each other. Either of them would be deferred for the other. For example, Coke and Pepsi are used as substitutes for each other. If price of Coke increase, the demand for Pepsi will increase and if the price of Coke decreases the demand of Pepsi will decrease. This portrays a positive relationship between the price of one good and the demand for the other good. 3- The tastes and preference of consumers: It is a less tangible item that can have a big impact on demand. There are certain things that can change one’s taste or preferences which ultimately causes people to buy more or less of a p roduct. For instance, a person may have a higher demand for an umbrella on a rainy day than on a sunny day. Another example of it would be endorsements by celebrities. If a celebrity endorses a new product, this may increase the demand for a product. This will change the preference of a consumer and will result in an increase in demand. On the other hand, if a new health study comes out indicating that meat is bad for your health, this may decrease the demand

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Reading Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Reading Response - Assignment Example Such is a portrayal of disregard to the innate beliefs of people that require the redrafting of the legislations that govern religion and freedom of worship in the country. Offering bodies for scientific studies is a personal decision that people make in order to foster science. However, forcing a particular group to offer their dead for scientific studies discriminative, human anatomy is similar and those compelling others should take the initiative of enhancing science by offering their own bodies. The article calls for the review of laws that govern the remittance of bodies to museums and scientific institutions in order to grow science. The conflict between science and religion requires effective management in order to ensure that each enjoys relative space for growth. In cases where religion opposes specific scientific operations people must take special deliberations including revision of existing laws in order to limit the extent of the conflicts. Science offers practical answers and solutions to the social problems while religion offers spiritual answers. Both are effective in their own way. The article therefore discusses the contention that a rises when religion and science conflict. Offering human bodies for scientific studies remains contentious to most societies. In the United States, the arguments that American Indians should offer their ancestors’ bodies for scientific studies are rising amid opposition from different quarters. I agree with the ideas in the article. Religion is an instrumental cultural component that influences the lifestyles of people. Religion influences the faith of an individual thus influencing their values. As such, religion remains an important aspect of life. The values and beliefs of people are intricate aspect of their lives that the society should respect and value. This underscores the need for changing the antiques act of 1906 and the archeological resource protection act of 1979 both of which stipulated